A cross scientific lecture series and PhD-course in the intersection between culture, brain, health and learning. Exciting scientific findings in the crossroad between different research paradigms in medical, natural and social sciences, humanitarians and arts.
When date and time is fixed for a lecture, an announcement will be published.
To obtain e-mail announcement for each lecture, plese contact henrik.branden@ki.se
Among invited speakers:
To participate in the course
Apply by e-mail stating
- Name
- Personal number
- Position, Department and University/Higher Education Institution
- Whether and where You formally are a research student
- Short motivation why You want to follow the course (max 250 words).
sent to Henrik Brändén at henrik.branden@ki.se with cc Gunnar.K.Bjursell@ki.se.
Formalities about the course
The course is given in English from September 2014 through spring 2015.
If You are a master student, not yet registered as a PhD student or already have taken Your PhD, You are still very welcome to join the course.
Approximately eight workshops consisting of a lecture followed by informal discussions with the lecturer.
Examination through participation in discussions and a written home-exam. Number of ”högskolepoäng”: 2,0
If You have not attended to enough many lectures, there will be possibilities to see lectures on video, and discuss them at an extra miniseminar with the teatchers.
The course takes place at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology. It is organized through the Board of Cultural Affairs of KI.
Responsible for the course: Professor Ingemar Ernberg, Department of Microbiology, Tumor- and Cell Biologi. Organisers: Professor Gunnar Bjursell (Gunnar.K.Bjursell@ki.se) and Henrik Brändén (henrik.branden@ki.se).