Kulturella hjärnan-initiativet bjuder regelbundet in ledande forskare i skärningspunkten mellan kultur, hjärna, hälsa och lärande att föreläsa för ett tvärvetenskapligt auditorium av forskare och studenter ffrån olika fakulteter och därtill yrkesutövare och andra intressenter.
Åsa Nilsonne: Help, a human brain on the cultural scene 2015-11-12
Eckart Altenmüller: Apollo’s gift and curse: Music as a model for neuroplasticity, 2015-09-21
Isabelle Peretz: The Nature of Music: Evidence from Congenital Amusia 12015-05-12
Margarete Livingstone: What art can tell us about the brain, 2015-04-09
Hugo Lagercrantz: The Connected Brain of the Child, 2015-03-03
Eric Kandel: The Age of Insight – Unconcious in Art, Mind and Brain, 2014-12-08
Andrew N. Meltzoff: Neural mirroring mechanism, imitation and social cognition in infants and young children 2014-09-24
Robert Zatorre: From Perception to Pleasure – Music and its neural substrates, 2014-04-03
Eric Kandel: Functional Prions and The Persistence of Memory Storage, 2014-03-20
Madeleine Hackney: Dance and the Brain – Therapy for PD and Aging-related impairments, 2014-01-30
Torkel Klingberg: Development and Plasticity of Working Memory, 2013-11-19
Teppo Särkämö: Music for the Brain – use of Music in Neurorehabilitation, 2013-10-23