Year: 2023


Every Brain Needs Music, The Neuroscience of Making and Listening to Music

In a new book entitled Every Brain Needs Music: The Neuroscience of Making and Listening to Music, Prof. Larry Sherman explores why we all need music for our mental well-being and how it can even help us later in life. Sherman is a professor of neuroscience at Oregon Health & …

Building a better brain through music, dance and poetry

A growing body of research is probing art's effects on the brain. DrAfter123/Getty Images To make sense of difficult science, Michael Kofi Esson often turns to art. When he's struggling to understand the immune system or a rare disease, music and poetry serve as an anchor."It helps calm me down and …

New book by Robert Zatorre – “From Perception to Pleasure – The Neuroscience of Music and Why We Love It”

A new book by Robert Zatorre (a long time collaborator with the centre) entitled "From Perception to Pleasure - The Neuroscience of Music and Why We Love It" has just been published. The book explains and systematizes a large number of primary research findings, embedding them within an understanding of …

Julia F. Christensen: The close relationship between how we feel and how we move

There is a close relationship between how we feel and how we move. We all know the situation: when we’re happy, our movements, like how we walk and gesture are very different from when we’re—say—sad or angry. But does it also work the other way round? Can certain ways of …

New study looks at the long term cognitive effects of choir singing

While increasing evidence points toward the benefits of musical activities in promoting cognitive and emotional well-being in older adults, little is currently known about the long-term effects of singing. This new research uses a 2-year follow-up study to assess aging-related changes in cognitive functioning and emotional and social well-being with …

Arts, Culture & the Brain: A literature review and new epidemiological analyses

An investigation into the impact of creativity and culture on the brain commissioned by the Arts Council in the U.K. What did the report find? The report offers extensive evidence that Engaging in creativity and culture is linked to positive wellbeing, feeling connected, and motivation in people across a range of …

In focus this month: Culture and Education

This month research about Culture and  Education is in focus with a collection of publications, news and research about this area Read more about culture and education research here

Interview with Assal Habibi – music in education

This month Gunnar Bjursell has interviewed Assal Habibi, Assistant Research Professor of Psychology at the Brain and Creativity Institute at University of Southern California. Gunnar and Assal discuss the benefits of music in education and the impact it has on child development Full interview with subtitles in English

The Cultural Brain Hypothesis: How culture drives brain expansion, sociality, and life history

Humans have extraordinarily large brains, which tripled in size in the last few million years. Other animals also experienced a significant, though smaller, increase in brain size. These increases are puzzling, because brain tissue is energetically expensive—a smaller brain is easier to maintain in terms of calories. Here we present …

Does the amount of time you spend in school improve your intelligence, or are other factors more important?

This new study between Karolinska Institutet and the Radboud University Medical Center and Vrije University in Holland focused on how months of schooling related to intelligence in 6567 children (aged 9-11), taking into account factors such as socioeconomic status (SES) and cognitive ability. Notably, two years of schooling had a larger …