Svenska forskare har visat att den vita substansen i hjärnan är annorlunda strukturerad hos dem som tränat piano mycket än hos andra.
Titel: Extensive piano practicing has regionally specific effects on white matter development
Författare: Bengtsson, Sara L, Nagy, Zoltan, Skare, Stefan, Forsman, Lea, Forssberg, Hans, Ullen, Fredrik
Publikation: Nat Neurosci
Volym: 8
Nummer: 9
Sidor: 1148-1150
Publicerad: 2005
Sammandrag: Using diffusion tensor imaging, we investigated effects of piano practicing in childhood, adolescence and adulthood on white matter, and found positive correlations between practicing and fiber tract organization in different regions for each age period. For childhood, practicing correlations were extensive and included the pyramidal tract, which was more structured in pianists than in non-musicians. Long-term training within critical developmental periods may thus induce regionally specific plasticity in myelinating tracts.
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