En ny studie från Brown University i Providence visar att musikterapi kan ge lovande resultat mot demens. Upp till en fjärdedel av patienterna kunde skära ner på sin ångestdämpande medicinering när de fick musikterapi med personligt utvald musik. Studien omfattade mer än 25 000 patienter och är den första nationella studien av sitt slag i USA.
Antipsychotics: The rate of discontinuing these medications rose to 20.1 percent of program home residents after implementation in 2013 compared to 17.6 percent in a similar period before. By comparison, in non-program homes, the rate stayed flat: 15.2 discontinued after 2013 while 15.9 percent discontinued before.
Antianxiety: The discontinuation rate rose to 24.4 percent after MUSIC & MEMORY implementation in program homes, compared to 23.5 percent before, but in non-program homes the rate fell to 20.0 percent after 2013 compared to 24.8 percent before.
Behavior improvement: The rate of reduction in behavior problems increased to 56.5 percent in program homes from 50.9 percent before the program. In non-program homes the rate stayed flat at 55.9 percent after and 55.8 before.
Behavioral improvements not only help the individual patients, Thomas said, but also enhance quality of life for the residents around them and the morale of nursing home staff.
Läs mer om studien här: Personalized music may help nursing home residents with dementia.