De effekter man sett av dans på symptom vid Parkinsons sjukdom beror inte på social interaktion i allmänhet utan just själva dansandet. Det visar en jämförelse mellan två grupper, där den ena fick dansa, och den andra gå genom ett kursprogram utan dans. (Av Kathleen McKee och Madeleine Hackney, 2013)
Titel: The Effects of Adapted Tango on Spatial Cognition and Disease Severity in Parkinson's Disease
Författare: McKee, Kathleen E., Hackney, Madeleine E.
Publikation: J Motor Behav
Volym: 45
Nummer: 6
Sidor: 519-529
Publicerad: 2013
Sammandrag: The authors determined effects of community-based adapted tango on spatial cognition and disease severity in Parkinson's disease (PD) while controlling for the effects of social interaction. Thirty-three individuals with mild-to-moderate PD (stage I–III) were assigned to twenty 90-min tango (n = 24) or education (n = 9) lessons over 12 weeks. Disease severity, spatial cognition, balance, and fall incidence were evaluated pre-, post-, and 10–12 weeks postintervention. The authors evaluated differences using t tests and analyses of variance. Twenty-three tango and 8 education participants finished. Tango participants improved on disease severity (p = .008), and spatial cognition (p = .021) compared with education participants. Tango participants also improved in balance (p = .038), and executive function (p = .012). Gains were maintained 10–12 weeks postintervention. Multimodal exercise with structured syllabi may improve disease severity and spatial cognition in PD.
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Kategori: Dans Parkinsons sjukdom