Talare: Assistent Professor Emily Coffey, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Datum och tid: Torsdag 12:e mars kl 15.00
Plats: Ragnar Granit (A0325) tredje våning, Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet
Sleep is a natural, functional, internally-governed, and necessary altered state of consciousness, but what are its functions - and how do patterns of brain activity relate to them? Although EEG (electroencephalography) has been used to characterize sleep for many years, complementary techniques may offer greater insight into the nocturnal activities of the healthy brain. My talk will centre around two themes: first, how can we move towards an anatomically-informed understanding of sleeping-brain oscillations and their functions, by combining EEG and MEG (magnetoencephalography)? Second, once we have characterized the oscillations and networks associated with sleeping brain functions, how can we used our knowledge of the auditory system to probe their causal relations to learning and memory - and possibly enhance them?
Hosts: Fredrik Ullén and Gunnar Bjursell
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